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Automating the construction and evaluation of eighteen-treatment semi-Latin squares of order six in blocks of size three


Polycarp E. Chigbu; Emmanuel I. Mba and Eugene C. Ukaegbu

JOURNAL: Journal of Nigerian Statistical Association Vol.33, 2021
YEAR: 2021


A Microsoft Excel program that has the capacity of constructing  semi-Latin squares from  reduced Latin squares and the seven distinct   semi-Latin squares (SLS)of Bailey and Royle (1997) is here presented. The aim is to facilitate, through the knowledge of computer programming, the construction and statistical evaluation of the eighteen-treatment semi-Latin squares of order six and block size three. The eighteen-treatment semi-Latin squares of order six in blocks of size three are constructed by applying the method of superposition. The program also computes and displays the incidence matrices of all the constructed SLS as well as the, A-, D-, E- and MV-efficiency criteria for evaluating the usefulness of the design for experimentation. The program has a size of 20 kilobytes on hard disk space and takes about thirty minutes of computing time to construct and evaluate the semi-Latin squares. Illustrative examples were given to demonstrate the performance of the program.


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Journal of Nigerian Statistical Association Vol.33, 2021


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