Nigerian Statistical Association Logo - A Galaxy of Professional Statisticians
The third edition of the Nigerian Statistical Association Competition for Undergraduate students will commence on the 24th to 30th of July 2022

About JNSA

Journal Description

The Journal of Nigerian Statistical Association (JNSA) is the official journal of the Nigerian Statistical Association. The Journal has its primary objective of providing a comprehensive publication of works in all areas of statistics. It publishes both technical and not too technical expository papers dwelling on important theoretical and methodological developments, especially concerning computer applications, major surveys, and case studies. Papers on interface areas are also published in the Journal.

Aim & Scope

The Journal of Nigerian Statistical Association (JNSA) aims to publish high-quality papers in statistics, probability and operations research as well as their significant applications to problems in Africa. Emphasis is on originality. Paper that has already been published or submitted for publication elsewhere is not accepted. All papers are referred. Decisions on papers are made subject to the advice of the reviewers. However, the Editor may return to the author(s) without review, any manuscript deemed to be inappropriate for the Journal.

Editorial Policy

The Journal of Nigerian Statistical Association (JNSA) intends to publish high-quality papers in statistical theory and methods as well as their significant applications. Emphasis is on originality. Paper that has already been published or submitted for publication elsewhere is not accepted. All papers are referred. Decisions on papers are made subject to the advice of the reviewers. However, the editor may return to the author(s) without review, any manuscript deemed to be inappropriate for the Journal.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice of JNSA

Journal of the Nigerian Statistical Association (JNSA) with ISSN 0331-9504 publishes high quality scientific papers in statistics, probability and operations research as well as their significant applications to problems in Africa and the rest of the world. The Journal does not charge any paper review/publication fees. The Journal is currently published once in a year, usually in the month of September, but would start publishing twice a year as soon as it achieves wider publicity.

Before submitting a manuscript to the journal, the corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and have agreed to send the article to JNSA. The authors must declare whether there is any conflict of interest at the point of submission. Papers that have already been published or submitted for publication elsewhere are not accepted. Co-authors must have made significant contributions to the paper in the following aspects: the conception, design, execution, data analysis and interpretation. Emphasis is on originality. The journal views guest authorship, ghost writing, data falsification/fabrication and inaccurate statements as unethical publishing behaviour and are unacceptable. Authors should ensure that they obtain permission for licensed works before using them and such works must be appropriately cited. Whenever authors discover any fundamental errors in the published work, it is their duty to promptly inform the Editor-in-Chief in order to retract and correct the paper.

The Editor-in-Chief of JNSA is responsible for deciding the quality of a manuscript before it is sent for review as well as checking for plagiarism and copyright infringement of any manuscript submitted to the journal. The editor, other editorial advisers, reviewers and editorial staff must treat information about a submitted manuscript as confidential. All papers are reviewed by at least three independent reviewers under a blind review procedure. Editorial communications with the authors may assist them in improving the quality of submitted manuscript(s). Decisions on papers are made subject to the advice of the reviewers. A paper is accepted if two of the reviewers’ comments indicate a positive verdict. However, the Editor may return to author(s) without review, any manuscript deemed to be inappropriate for the Journal. Before publishing an accepted paper, the corresponding author (on behalf of other authors) must complete, sign and submit a copyright agreement form to the Editor.

The journal does not accept any form of personal criticism by reviewers. Reviewers are expected to express their views as clearly as possible with supporting arguments and also identify relevant published works that have not been cited by the author(s), where necessary. Reviewers should call the editor’s attention to any manuscript in which they have conflicts of interest. 

The Nigerian Statistical Association (NSA) will ensure that all individual published articles are archived and freely accessible on the Journal’s website.





Prof. Polycarp E. Chigbu (Design of Experiments)

University of Nigeria, Nsukka



Managing Editor

Dr. Virtue U. Ekhosuehi (Stochastic Systems)

University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria






Prof. Felix Famoye

(Probability Distribution Theory)

Central Michigan University, USA



Dr. Jude I. Eze


Scotland's Rural College Edinburgh, UK


Assoc. Prof. Eric A. Vance


University of Colorado, Boulder



Dr. Chigozie E. Utazi


University of Southampton, UK


Dr. Justice Moses K. Aheto


University of South Florida Health, USA



Prof. Afees Adebare Salisu


University of Pretoria, South Africa


Prof Olusanya Elisa Olubusoye (Econometrics)

University of Ibadan, Nigeria



Prof. E. Teju Jolayemi


University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria


Prof. Ekaette Enang

(Sampling Theory)

University of Calabar, Nigeria



Prof. Julian Ibezimako Mbegbu

(Applied Statistics)

University of Benin, Nigeria


Prof. Kayode Ayinde

(Regression Analysis)

Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria



Prof. E. C. Nduka

(Applied Statistics)

University of Port-Harcourt, Nigeria



Prof. Sunday M. Ogbonmwan

(Probability Distribution Theory)

University of Benin, Nigeria



Dr. Emmanuel O. Afuecheta

 (Probability Distribution Theory)

King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals



Dr. Godday U. Ebuh


Central Bank of Nigeria




Prof. Peter A. Osanaiye

(Quality Control)

University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State


Prof. I. S. Iwueze

(Time Series)

Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria

Prof. E. C. Nwogu


Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria




The Journal of Nigerian Statistical Association (JNSA) is published by the Nigeria Statistical Association with support from the Nigerian Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund).

Instruction for Authors

1.        Author(s) of a paper for publication in JNSA could be member(s) of the Nigerian Statistical Association (NSA) or non-member(s). However, non-member(s) whose papers are accepted for publication in NSA may have to pay a certain fee for manuscript processing and eventual publication, to be approved by Council, before their papers are published.


2.        All manuscripts must be original and set in Microsoft Word in double spacing with 1” margins on all sides on A4 size with a typeface of Time New Roman and font size 12. The manuscripts must not have been submitted to any other Journal for publication. All equations must be typed using Equation Editor.


3.        The title of a manuscript should be descriptive, concise and capture the theme as clearly as possible.


4.        The names(s) and address(es) of the author(s) should be given below the title of each manuscript, and on a separate page. The e-mail address of the corresponding author must be clearly identified on this page.


5.        Each manuscript should have a single paragraph abstract placed on the first page with no mathematical expressions. This page should also carry the title of the manuscript.


6.        Titles for Figures and Tables should be placed below and at the top of the Figures/Tables, respectively. Diagrams should be prepared in a form suitable for direct reproduction. Formulas should be numbered consecutively in accordance with the section numbers, and equation numbers in brackets appearing on the right-hand side margin.


7.        In the text of the paper, reference should be cited by just writing the name of the author followed by the year of publication in parenthesis, such as Nworgu (2011), Oseni and Adepoju (2011) or Osuji et al. (2011) for more than two authors.

The list of the references at the end of the paper should correspond to those cited in the text and arranged in alphabetical order of names by year. Each reference should have: Name of author(s) followed by year of publication in bracket, title of the paper (or textbook) and journal where the paper is published, volume of the journal and pages. e.g. Nworgu, E.C. (2011). A Comparative Performance of Several Robust Discriminant Analysis Procedures, Journal. of Nig. Stat. Assoc., Vol. 23, pg. 36-55.


v The Governing Council of the Nigerian Statistical Association should not be held responsible for the statements or opinions expressed in the papers published in its “Journal”.


Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be submitted online for evaluation as an email attachment to the Editor-In-Chief, Journal of the Nigerian Statistical Association (JNSA).



Copyright Transfer

The Nigerian Statistical Association (NSA) request formal transfer of copyright from the author(s) for each paper published in the Journal of Nigeria Statistical Association (JNSA). The copyright to this paper is transferred to the JNSA as soon as the paper is accepted for publication.

The copyright transfer covers the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the paper including reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, microform, electronic form or any other reproductions of similar nature.

The author(s) warrants that this contribution is original and that he/she has full power to make this grant. The author signs and accepts the responsibility for releasing this material on behalf of any and all co-authors. After submission of this agreement signed by the corresponding author, change of authorship or in the order of the authors listed will not be accepted by JNSA.

The author(s) confirm that:

1.     This paper submitted to JNSA is original and has not been published elsewhere

2.     The authors have obtained written permission from copyright owners for any excerpt from copyrighted works that are included and have credited sources in this paper.

3.     The co-author(s) have been informed of the terms of this copyright transfer. The corresponding author signs on their behalf as their agent and represent that the corresponding author is authorized to do so.

4.     This paper contains no unlawful statements as well as any material that violates any personal or proprietary right.


To avoid any delay in the publication of your paper, please click here to fill the form for the terms of this agreement, sign in the space provided and return the completed form to the Editor-in-Chief through the email: as quickly as possible.



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