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Assessment of composite mixed resolution designs in spherical regions


Cynthia N. Umegwuagu, Polycarp E. Chigbu and Eugene C. Ukaegbu

JOURNAL: Journal of Nigerian Statistical Association Vol.32, 2020
YEAR: 2020


Composite Mixed Resolution Designs (CMRD) were evaluated using some design assessment criteria: D- and G-efficiencies, I-optimality and Condition Number in spherical regions. The effect of centre points, as well as the effect of the replication of the cube and star portions of the designs, were also evaluated. The CMRDs achieved high G- and D-efficiencies with zero or one centre points and minimum I-optimality criterion with four centre points. Also, replication of the cube and star portions of the designs improved the I-optimality criterion but did not improve the D- and G-efficiencies and the Condition Number.


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Journal of Nigerian Statistical Association Vol.32, 2020


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