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Optimal and efficient eighteen-treatment semi-Latin squares in blocks of size three


P. E. Chigbu, E. I. Mba and E. C. Ukaegbu

YEAR: 2023


Semi-Latin squares with side six and block size three, constructed by superimposing each of the 9408 reduced Latin squares of order six on each of certain ((6×6))⁄2 semi-Latin squares, are here presented. The aim was to identify optimal and/or efficient semi-Latin square(s) of order six from the 9408 reduced Latin squares of order six. A Microsoft Excel program was used to facilitate the construction by superposition and the statistical evaluation of the corresponding semi-Latin squares of sides six in blocks of size three by computing their A, D, E and MV statistical efficiency measures A total of 65856 semi-Latin squares with side six and blocks of size three were constructed and evaluated. One of the semi-Latin squares was identified to be A-optimal, D-optimal, E-optimal and MV-optimal. Also, with respect to the efficiency measures, the same optimal semi-Latin square is the most efficient of the 65856 semi-Latin squares. This efficient semi-Latin square which has canonical efficiency factors, 0.5980 with multiplicity three, 0.6667 with multiplicity ten, 0.8464 with multiplicity three and 1.0 with multiplicity one, is a simple orthogonal multi-array (SOMA) of order six; specifically denoted by SOMA(3, 6). Also, this optimal and efficient semi-Latin square has the same A, D, E and MV statistical efficiency values with the two indecomposable SOMA(3, 6) developed by Soicher as well as the efficient semi-Latin square of order six by Bailey.


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